Events and Attractions

London Games' Economic Boost May Fall Short Of Previous Estimate

Organizers and sponsors of big events, such as the London Olympics, "like to tout the occasions' potential to boost local economies," according to Carl Bialik of the WALL STREET JOURNAL. Some economists, however, "see less cause for celebration." Olympic organizers and a sponsor "forecast a long-term economic boost" of $20B to $26B for the U.K. from hosting the Games. Several economic observers who have gone back to study tax receipts and other signs of extra activity from earlier, similar mega-events are "playing the role of party poopers," as they generally have not "found much to crow over." Lake Forest College Economist Robert Baade, who has studied the impact of sporting events and political conventions, said: "Prospective promises are not likely to materialize." He pointed out that organizers and sponsors often produce the widely reported estimate. Baade: "You do have to ask yourself, 'Who's providing the analysis, for whom, at what price?'" (WSJ, 8/17).

SBJ Morning Buzzcast: April 26, 2024

The sights and sounds from Detroit; CAA Sports' record night; NHL's record year at the gate and Indy makes a pivot on soccer

TNT’s Stan Van Gundy, ESPN’s Tim Reed, NBA Playoffs and NFL Draft

On this week’s pod, SBJ’s Austin Karp has two Big Get interviews. The first is with TNT’s Stan Van Gundy as he breaks down the NBA Playoffs from the booth. Later in the show, we hear from ESPN’s VP of Programming and Acquisitions Tim Reed as the NFL Draft gets set to kick off on Thursday night in Motown. SBJ’s Tom Friend also joins the show to share his insights into NBA viewership trends.

SBJ I Factor: Molly Mazzolini

SBJ I Factor features an interview with Molly Mazzolini. Elevate's Senior Operating Advisor – Design + Strategic Alliances chats with SBJ’s Ross Nethery about the power of taking chances. Mazzolini is a member of the SBJ Game Changers Class of 2016. She shares stories of her career including co-founding sports design consultancy Infinite Scale career journey and how a chance encounter while working at a stationery store launched her career in the sports industry. SBJ I Factor is a monthly podcast offering interviews with sports executives who have been recipients of one of the magazine’s awards.

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